Are you confident about the security of your business?

A single security breach can destroy your business and a lot of companies aren’t even aware of the status of their own software system.

Pixeltree will perform a complete technical risk assessment to ensure your code’s security, performance, and maintainability.

Pixeltree’s Risk Assessment Process

  • Photo of magnifying glass.

    1. Gather info

    Pixeltree meets with the client team to locate all the assets needing reviewed.

  • Photo of software analysis.

    2. Record findings

    Record our findings and create infrastructure diagrams if none exist - all in one place

  • Graphic for penetration testing.

    3. Full pen testing

    Security expert attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities to determine areas of weakness.

  • Graphic of a risk report.

    4. Create report

    Organize our findings in a detailed report with a summary of tech infrastructure, risks, and recommendations. Present to stakeholders.

Some organizations we’ve performed risk assessments for.


The security of your business, and your customers’ private data, is invaluable - protecting it far outweighs the price of a risk assessment. Investing in identifying and mitigating risks now will save you from costly breaches, downtime, and damage to trust later.