The software experts you need for your Ruby on Rails projects
With over 15 years’ expertise in Ruby on Rails apps, Pixeltree is your solution for taking on Ruby projects.
Pixeltree is your hassle-free strategy
for taking over existing Ruby on Rail apps.
Pixeltree is your turnkey
solution for your Ruby on Rails apps
15+ years Ruby on Rails experience
Pixeltree delivers high-quality, scalable, and efficient web applications tailored to your needs. Whether your need a new app, enhancements, or optimization, Pixeltree provides reliable, future-proof solutions.
No documention needed!
Don’t have documentation? No problem! Pixeltree will still be able to diagnose code, bugs, server issues, and any other problems you may be encountering.
Worry-free project handover
Not sure what to do with your existing Ruby on Rails apps and need a team to take over? Pixeltree makes the transition seamless, ensuring smooth onboarding, clear communication, and minimal downtime.
You are one message away from getting your project on track.
Give us a shout to schedule a free consultation and see if we are a good match to take on your project.