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Case Study | MyLeader360 from Level52

Level52 mockup

Overview of MyLeader360

MyLeader360 is an evaluation program as part of Level 52’s leadership workshops that companies use as a method of levelling up their staff. Level 52 hired us for a digital transformation; taking a process that was largely manual, with several steps, and automating much of the process to increase efficiency and ease of use.

The goal of the MVP was for their participants to have a dashboard where they could add and invite evaluators to take surveys for them that offer feedback on their experiences working with them.

Reports are then compiled and uploaded to MyLeader360 and accessible as a PDF for participants to download and review.

  • Web app designed for desktop, tablet, mobile
  • 3 user roles: Admin, Participant, Evaluator
  • Design tools: Figma & Adobe Illustrator
  • Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails, React, NextJS