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Design Process | Requirement gathering & flow charts

Discovery Phase

The initial meeting was in-person at our office with the senior architect, senior manager, and UX/UI designer. We discussed the current state of their evaluation process and what their goals were for its digital transformation. This context is important for making design and development decisions to support business needs and future scalability.

A second meeting took place shortly after between the client and our UX/UI designer. They worked together to map out various flows like participants adding evaluators and sending them surveys as well as having surveys sent back to be compiled into PDFs. Brainstorming was done on a whiteboard and sketchbook. They also sketched out what some of the pages could look like including essential features.

After the meeting, our UX/UI designer created a requirement sheet that organized the user role responsibilities and their required pages and features and their specific behaviours. This sheet served as a foundation and checklist for creating flowcharts, wireframes, mockups, and later on, user stories for the development team.

Perhaps the biggest challenge at the start of this project was understanding how Level 52’s developer was creating unique survey links between the participant and each of their evaluators. We needed to understand his system so we could adopt the process ourselves and have webhooks correctly mark surveys as complete or not and ensure participants received their reports.

Flow Charts

After the discovery meeting and starting the requirement sheet, we made flow charts for various tasks for the user roles. These charts are quick ways to confirm goals and feature behaviour before investing large amounts of time and money on elaborate mockups and development. Once approved, the flow charts served as a guide for creating the first round of mockups.